Our Audacious Goal
By the year 2033, SAMA passionately commits to a transformative vision that transcends borders and biases, shaping the future of healthcare leadership and community service. Our Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) is to establish 10 Centers for Learning, cultivating an environment where young men and women, irrespective of gender, profession, race, religion, or national origin, converge to evolve into their best selves.
Our metrics for success include:
- Number of Trainees: Enroll and empower a diverse cohort of at least 5,000 individuals annually, equipping them with skills, values, and a resolute commitment to serving others.
- Number of Leaders: Enroll and train 100 leaders – SAMA Scholars
- Number of Locations: Establish Centers for Learning in every community where SAMA has a presence, to reach 10 locations globally by 2033.
- Diversity and Inclusion: Foster a culture of openness and inclusivity, ensuring that joining SAMA communities is accessible and welcoming to all, regardless of background or identity.
- Impact Assessment: Regularly assess the personal and professional growth of trainees, measuring the tangible impact on collaborative skills, commitment to service, and contributions to their communities.
- Global Collaboration: Forge partnerships with local and international organizations to amplify the reach and impact of our Centers for Learning, creating a global network of empowered leaders committed to compassionate service.
- Open Enrollment: Maintain a commitment to an open-door policy, ensuring that anyone who wishes to join SAMA communities can do so, fostering a diverse and dynamic learning environment.
- Sustainability: Develop a self-sustainable model for each center, ensuring their continued operation and positive impact on communities for years to come.
SAMA’s BHAG is not merely to create learning centers but to foster a global movement where individuals, regardless of background, converge to become exemplary leaders and compassionate servants, embodying humility, integrity, and candor.