Our Audacious Goal

Our Audacious Goal

  1. Number of Trainees: Enroll and empower a diverse cohort of at least 5,000 individuals annually, equipping them with skills, values, and a resolute commitment to serving others.
  2. Number of Leaders: Enroll and train 100 leaders – SAMA Scholars 
  1. Number of Locations: Establish Centers for Learning in every community where SAMA has a presence, to reach 10 locations globally by 2033.
  1. Diversity and Inclusion: Foster a culture of openness and inclusivity, ensuring that joining SAMA communities is accessible and welcoming to all, regardless of background or identity.
  1. Impact Assessment: Regularly assess the personal and professional growth of trainees, measuring the tangible impact on collaborative skills, commitment to service, and contributions to their communities.
  1. Global Collaboration: Forge partnerships with local and international organizations to amplify the reach and impact of our Centers for Learning, creating a global network of empowered leaders committed to compassionate service.
  1. Open Enrollment: Maintain a commitment to an open-door policy, ensuring that anyone who wishes to join SAMA communities can do so, fostering a diverse and dynamic learning environment.
  1. Sustainability: Develop a self-sustainable model for each center, ensuring their continued operation and positive impact on communities for years to come.
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